Biochain Inc.
Converts .svs to .dzi format, then uploads the result to an AWS s3 bucket for large data storage. The front end is written in Gatsby and uses an API proxy to access the s3 bucket, so the large data can be stored separately from the front end. Openseadragon is used to allow for deep zoom image functionality on the slides.
Pinch / Scroll / Drag to Zoom / Pan the image
Haiti Takes Root
Sidescrolling functionality that allows for a slideshow presentation, alllowing the user to open up a slide and explore the details vertically before moving onto the next slide. The vertical dot menu at right allows for easy instant navigation to a particular slide.
Unify a collection of one-off page templates built with 3 different page builders (elementor, ACF, and classic editor) under one Gutenberg-based template system, allowing for stakeholders to input content into pre-built page templates, or build new layouts with reuseable row modules based on the Gutenblock system.
Minority Moves Network
Brochure website built from provided mockups.